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~Provider Resources~

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I have found out in the years of doing child care that if you keep your children busy doing activities and such your days will go by much faster and the children get to learn as they play.  They also are less stressful and want to work together.  I wanted to share my resources with other providers out there.

Below you will find a list of links that I find very resourceful. Why pay out the ying~yang for a curriculum when you can get it for Free!! over the net? It takes planning to put it together, but it is well worth to see those children smile!

If you have a site that would be helpful In Home schooling or Home Child Care please feel free to Submit it here!

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First School

Bible lessons,arts crafts Themes Free!!

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This link is to the file folders you must register to yahoo  Free!!

Baby BumbleBee

Educational products for infancy to early childhood. Free Printouts!!


This site is full of educational print~out and themes. Free!!

Enchanted Learning

Arts,Craft,Rubus Poems,Educational print~outs. One of my favorite sites. Free!!

Activity Idea Place

An Early Childhood Education resource. Free!!

Creative Kids At Home

Children's Activities - Free!! Kids Crafts and Activities

Preschool Express

Need a Curriculum to follow? Try Jean Warren's site she has everything a provider might want to use to make a child's stay at daycare fun! Free!!!!!

Preschool Printables

OOOW...... Another one of my favorites. Do you need print outs for your learning room/playroom or perhaps some felt board story print outs, Ah' wait! maybe you need some awards to give to your children for an accomplishment Free!!

Games, Crafts, Stories and Nursery Rhymes

Making Friends

Resource material for crafts. Also Free!! Print-outs  must see site!

Bulletin Board Idea's

Stumped on Idea's for a bulletin board? Try here at gigglepotz There are some cuties!!

Teaching & Learning

Free!! Books for teaching and learning :) cooking,science Ect.. Download online by .pdf(Acrobat Reader)

Starfall Program

Free!! reading material!! Order it, Try it, And email them back to let them know what you liked or disliked :)

Can Teach

CanTeach!  hundreds of lesson plans, thousands of links, and tons of other resources, I hope you find something useful to help you out.

email me your faverite link email me your faverite link email me your faverite link email me your faverite link email me your faverite link

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Graphics by Home Sweet Home